Tuesday, August 26, 2008

9 Months Old

It is hard to believe that another month has already passed and Emma is now 9 months old. Won't be long and we will be celebrating the first year. Wow! Emma goes for her nine month check-up later today so I will update with her stats later. It is amazing how much Emma has changed over the past month. She has now become a master of the army crawl and I am still hoping that she will learn to get that belly up off the ground soon since her clothes are always filthy at the end of the day. Emma has also started pulling herself up, which is making baths a little more challenging these days since she wants to stand up in there as well. This time last month, puffs or anything solid would make her gag and now she can't get enough puffs, cheerios, stolen green beans (yes, she swiped another green bean yesterday), etc. No mama or dada yet but lots of ba, ba, bas. In the past month we have also seen a sense of humor start to develop. She knows when Brad is doing something funny and will give a big old roar. At times she is showing herself to be quite the drama queen as well. The other night she was looking at a book and when she would put it down (mind you, nobody was taking it away from her), she would break out in these big old crocodile tears. She would pick it back up and be fine and then repeat the whole process. As you saw from the recent videos, she is bopping around to music and loves to give zerbers. Happy 9 months Emma! We can't wait to see what you have in store for us over the next month.

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

Oh my goodness.... she is such a cutie!! I think the trick with the cup for us was putting a little bit of juice in it just once or twice until they "discovered" how cups work. After they get it you can go back to water.