Sunday, January 3, 2010

Joshua - 4 Months Old

Our little big man hit the 4 month mark a few days after celebrating his first Christmas! He continues to grow like a weed and was up to 16 lbs 3 oz (75th percentile) and 25 inches (50th percentile) at his well check-up. He is pretty much out of 3-6 month clothing. We had a moment this morning that was reminiscent of Chris Farley in the movie "Tommy Boy" (re: "Fat Guy in a Little Coat") only it was "Big Man in a Little Shirt". I guess it is time to retire that outfit. Over the past month, the smiles have gotten bigger and more frequent and the little man has an infectious little laugh; the raspberries are coming frequently these days as well. He entertained his sister throughout the Christmas season with his dance moves and loves to dance himself. Joshua recently got to try some rice cereal and tolerates it for now. Overall, he continues to be a very even tempered little boy unless he is tired or not feeling well. Emma still loves her little brother or as she refers to him "My Joshua" or "My brother". Here are some photos of the little guy and his first taste of cereal.

1 comment:

Grandma S. or MeMa said...

It doesn't seem like our little "big man" should be that big and sitting in a high chair already. His smiles are absolutely precious. We enjoyed him so much during Christmas!!!

Grandma S. or MeMa (whichever)