Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling...!

Once he was finally feeling good, Josh decided that it was finally time to show the world that he could indeed roll from his back to his tummy and he hasn't stopped since. It's funny though because it really was like he knew how to do it all along and was just waiting for the right time. Whereas, I remember Emma struggling to finally get over in that direction because she had to learn to get that arm out of the way, Josh made it look so easy. Maybe it was all that practice when Emma would run over to him and roll him. Now that he is a rolling machine, nothing is safe including Emma's toys, which she is slowly figuring out. He is quick too. Last week I put him down on the floor so I could go help Emma put her shoes on. He was several feet away to start and when I turned back to look, he was right at my feet. Time to think about baby proofing (i.e. making Emma put away all of her small things) again.

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