Friday, October 28, 2011

Are You There?

Psst, we're here believe it or not! What have we been doing since I last managed to update the blog. We made a trip to KC for a half marathon and fun weekend with family. Emma had a field trip for school that I was able to attend. Finally, we went to Boo at the Zoo for the first time this year. Looks like I do have a few things to catch up on but before I start recapping in no particular order, here are a few photos of Emma and Josh playing in the leaves. Initially I was the one who would rake the leaves into a pile but then Emma realized she loved to rake (I am keeping that one in mind) so she took to raking the piles for her brother to jump in, run through, etc.

Telling me about his silly rock!

The boy loves his trucks and especially his big dump truck! Jumping
Emma is looking too big!

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