A few highlights of Joshua at 5 months include the following:
- He laughs a lot these days especially when his little feet and chunky thighs are tickled
- He likes to "talk" with us or with himself
- He can sit unsupported for a short amount of time
- Everything goes into his mouth so watch yourself
- He can roll from tummy to back when given the opportunity, that is to say, when Emma is not rolling him this way or that way
- He watches Emma like crazy (and not just out of fear) and gives her big old smiles
- He wants to be involved in everything and is no longer content to sit in the bouncy chair on the floor or lay on the floor; he would much rather be up in the high chair at our level or sitting on somebody's lap
- He loves to blow raspberries, which Emma thinks is just too funny
The bouncy chair and swing have now officially been retired at our house. As of last weekend, Joshua now has a seat of his own after seeing how much he enjoyed the bumbo seat at daycare. This past month, Joshua has experienced the swing outside, the new wagon that he and Emma received for Christmas and the jumperoo. Emma was at least 5 1/2 months or so before she got in the jumperoo and we needed to put a little towel under her bottom to get her head high enough and then a pillow under her feet to reach the ground. That is not the case with this little man, no support needed and while the feet aren't flat on the ground, they do touch and he does get the idea of jumping around. New photos to come soon once they downloaded from the camera!