Saturday, July 31, 2010

Where There's a Will, There's a Way

Josh was playing with the remote control near Brad one night and dropped it on the other side. Rather than crawling around Brad to get the remote, it was obviously much easier just to try and reach over Daddy as seen in the following sequence of photos. It cracked me up when he was halfway over with those little legs just sticking right out in the air. Obviously he'll go to great lengths to achieve his goals and yes, he did get the remote in the end!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fun Times with Family

Last weekend Lesa, Chris, and Madison came down to visit us. The last time we saw each other in person was Christmas and at that point Madison was just starting to walk and Josh stayed put wherever he was laid. Things have obviously changed in the past 7 months so we had three active little ones last weekend but it was lots of fun. Saturday morning we hit the fountain at Riverfront Park, which you may have noted has been one of our favorite summer activities. Josh slept, the girls enjoyed the water, and the parents sweltered in the heat. Madison did not hesitate at all and went running straight in. Both girls had a blast. After playing in the water, we packed up and decided to enjoy a little bite to eat downtown. Brad and I ate at Gusano's before the Eagles concert last month but didn't get to try the pizza, which looked and smelled fabulous. After Saturday, I can attest that they do make some good pizza and it is definitely kid friendly.

We headed home where Madison napped and Emma rested at least before heading to the pool. I don't know where everybody was but we had the pool to ourselves, which was very nice. The weekend before last, Emma decided that she could swim all by herself and she did great with the use of her water wings and pool float. Last weekend, she took it a step further and was swimming with only the water wings. She did great kicking to propel herself all around the pool. The only problem is that we now have to watch her very carefully. I turned my back for one minute thinking she was standing on the step. When I turned back around, she was halfway across the pool. Emma and Madison got a kick out of watching Brad, Chris and myself go off the diving board a few times. I honestly cannot remember the last time I went off a diving board before last weekend.

Other than fun times in the water, there was lots of play in the sandbox and I'm not sure how many books Chris and Lesa were made to read to Emma. I think poor little Josh is going to have his hands full with these little girls. At one point on Sunday, they were both treating him like he was their little doll and putting hats, etc. on him. He is definitely out-numbered. Emma really enjoyed playing with Madison and the girls got along great. As we were putting Emma to bed on Sunday night, she was already talking about wanting to see Madison again. It was tons of fun with the Davis family and hopefully it won't be another 7 months before we get together again.

Another little rock star!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Emma & Dora

There are two things that Emma really likes to watch on TV when given the chance. Number one is Sesame Street and especially the episode "Telly's New Shoes" with Neil Patrick Harris. I am not exaggerating when I say that we've have probably seen that episode 100 times but I digress. Number two is Dora the Explorer. I'm not sure if I mentioned on here but a couple of weeks ago, Emma, myself, Emma's friend Libby and Libby's Mom Kacy went to see Nickelodeon's Storytime Live. The girls had a big time; they danced, they sang and Dora was definitely the crowd favorite. That following weekend, a new toy store had its grand opening with special guests, Dora and Elmo. Emma and I made a trip to the store so we could see Dora. When we arrived, there was no Dora or Elmo to be found as we apparently came at break time. Brian and Terri Kinder, a local group known as Kindersongs, were playing so we shopped a little, played a little and danced a little. Finally, we gathered up a few items, paid and were ready to head out when I heard that Dora was going to be out in about 5 minutes. Being as Dora was the reason that we had come down to begin with, we had to stay and I was not disappointed in Emma's reaction. She was not shy or scared at all. In fact, as soon as Dora came out, Emma was quick to give hugs and must have hugged Dora at least 4 or 5 times. I think she was awestruck and would have kept snuggling up to Dora except that I told her it was time to go so some other children could meet Dora. With that, Emma blew her a goodbye kiss. I never did mention that Elmo was there as well or we would have been there even longer.

11 Months Old

It is time to play catch-up a bit and no better place to start than with an update on the now 11 month old little boy. As Josh enters his final month of "babyhood", the count still stands at 6 teeth. Other than oatmeal with fruit in the mornings, baby food is a thing of the past and the boy loves his meat. Oh, how he loves his meat, which is funny because it still takes some cajoling to get Emma to eat meat unless it is on pizza of course. The other thing that he loves is applesauce and smacks his lips after a bite. Josh loves to stand and chases people around the room so that he can pull up on them and nobody is safe. As long as there is a warm body and it doesn't matter whether he knows them are not, they are fair game. He is quite the chatty little guy and I will swear that last weekend he said "hello" back to Lesa and I while we were in the car. This morning at breakfast Josh was playing "peek-a-boo" and I will also swear that he said "peek-a-boo" back to me. He is really starting to point at things and somewhere has gotten the idea of how to use a pen or marker. Brad and I first noticed this one night while he and Emma were in the bathtub. He got hold of one of her bath markers and was holding it correctly and then making some writing motions. I gave him a crayon the other day and before he tried to eat it, he put it to paper and did a little "drawing". He also picks up his brush or comb and fixes his hair. He has become quite the challenge to change and dress but there is so much to do and so little time. I am sure that Josh will have all kinds of new tricks for us over the next month and we're so looking forward to eating cake and celebrating his first year!

This is fun...
...or maybe not!
Look Ma, one hand!
Animal cracker face!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Little Josh

Here is a little clip of Josh walking with his Daddy-sanctioned push toy (he's gotten a lot faster since this video was shot) and as an added bonus, a little bit of rocking out.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just Because...

I have been too busy lazy by the time we actually get our two little monkeys to bed to upload new photos and videos, this blog has been neglected. Since I still haven't uploaded new photos and videos (including the little man walking with his push toy), I will leave you today with two quick Emma stories.

Yesterday we pulled into the garage and Emma says, "When I get bigger, I'll sit in Mommy or Daddy's seat up front and listen to 'Jesus Loves Me'. When Daddy gets smaller, he'll sit in my seat." This morning she also said that Josh would sit up front with her which I guess relegates Brad and I to the backseat. However, she did agree to drive Josh to wherever he needs to go and do the grocery shopping.

There is a house we pass by every day on our way to daycare that has a statue of the Virgin Mary in the yard. I am not sure that Emma has ever taken notice before and apparently the Virgin Mary looks like Jesus because as we passed by today, Emma shouts out "Jesus! Mommy, I saw Jesus!".

More updates to come soon!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Birthday Party Weekend #1

Last Saturday, Emma and I headed down to Riverfront Park for her friend Collin's birthday even though his actual birthday isn't until December. Rather than trying to plan a celebration with a lot of energetic preschoolers in the winter, his Mom is smart and celebrates his half birthday in June. Emma absolutely loves playing in the fountain at Riverfront Park and we have made several trips down there recently. It is definitely a great place to get some relief from the hot summer we have had so far. Emma had lots of fun with her friends, cupcakes (although she only ate the icing of course), and bubbles. Unfortunately the poor thing may have been traumatized by her first trip into a port-a-potty but there was no other option in the vicinity. Not surprisingly, she suddenly lost the urge to go and did manage to hang on until we got home later. For days afterwards, she kept asking me why the potty was so yucky. Enough potty talk and onto the pictures!

Emma & the 1/2 Birthday Boy!

Channeling the Incredible Hulk?
"Bubbles, Do I See Bubbles?"
Caught Off Guard!