Monday, February 4, 2019

Not So Fabulous February

It's been a month so far and we're only on day 4.  Our February woes actually started at the end of January.  Brad and I spent the last week of December and most of January furloughed thanks to a government shutdown.  While Brad spent most of his days working (without pay), I did get a lot done around the house.  There was a lot of purging done around the house, this blog was caught up, costumes were inventoried at school, etc.  That being said, five weeks was a little long especially since there didn't seem to be any end in site or any indication of an end until the very last moment.  Surprisingly, on January 25th, a resolution was reached to reopen the government through February 15th.  I'm hopeful that there will be an agreement to fund us through the end of the year and we will avoid another shutdown but we'll see. 

At any rate, after five weeks of furlough, we were set to go back to work on the 28th except that Josh woke up with a headache and complaining about his stomach hurting.  He had been talking about his stomach and not had an appetite since Saturday so even though he didn't have a fever, we felt like he should stay home.  Fortunately, he didn't get any worse so it was back to the normal routine for everybody on Tuesday. We all made it through the week but when Brad picked up Emma from practice on Friday, she said that she had a headache and wasn't hungry.  She woke up Saturday morning with a fever of 101.3.  Since the flu has been going around, I took her to the doctor where she tested negative for flu.  Unfortunately, she has not been able to kick the fever and has gone up to over 103 several times.  Emma had to miss Saturday's win against PA and will miss the first tournament game tonight.  Hoping that we can get her better and on the court Thursday assuming the team beats Conway Christian tonight.  I know Emma's ready to feel better too! 

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