Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Teething - Part 2

Brad and I both read independently that teething is supposed to get easier after the first two. I am here to say that whoever wrote that was suffering some sort of delusion. For us, it has only gotten worse. Our little baby bear has turned into a roaring grizzly bear the last two mornings. Nothing seems to help; not even the jumperoo! Emma is waking up way too early so by the time that I leave, she is already starting to go downhill and quickly from what I understand. Yesterday morning she cried from about the time I left and was pretty much inconsolable until about 1pm yesterday. It seems like this morning didn't go any better. Emma is supposed to have her photo taken today at daycare but Brad said not to expect any good pictures today. We are just hoping and praying that these teeth decide to break the surface soon so our little bear can have some relief.


MaryBeth said...

Poor baby! Here's hoping those teeth come in soon so everybody gets some relief!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just hate it when Emma is suffering and you are powerless to do anything about it? Hope those teeth come in soon! Perhaps she will muster one little smile today for her photo op.