Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Little Rock Marathon

Last weekend was the 10th running of the Little Rock marathon but as I found out race weekend, it was only the 9th annual half marathon. Does that mean I have to come back next year? Once again, I lined up at the start line with a race goal in mind. Unfortunately I did not run a smart race. Since I was feeling good, I did not listen to reason and follow my race plan which led to me fading at the end. Fortunately the only thing injured was my pride. I did have a great support team again this year at several points along the course. I was also able to pick out a few other friends along the way. Coming down the final stretch, I was scanning the crowd for Brad and the kids but missed them until I heard a very loud "Mommy!" from Emma. I think the kids had a good time out there watching the runners especially the "crazy ones" like the guy dressed as Elvis. Fortunately for them, it was also warmer this year so they didn't spend the morning freezing. Their favorite part, however, is likely the end when I come out with lots of goodies for them to munch on.

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