Thursday, September 17, 2009

Big Pool

We came a long way this summer from the girl who would start crying the minute she saw a pool to the girl who could do nothing but talk about the "big pool". Unfortunately Labor Day marked the last day for the neighborhood pool this year but Brad did get Emma down there for one last hurrah! Since Brad was not going to get into the water, Emma was confined and I use that term loosely to the kiddie pool. When she was in the water, she had a great time but lots of pool time is spent trying to make a break for the big pool, running around the pool deck and moving the furniture around on the pool deck. I know this because I had experienced the same thing the day before. I am sure that Emma will be raring to go when the pool opens again next Memorial Day and until then, we'll just have to try to help her deal with the disappointment in not being able to go to the "big pool".

1 comment:

Lesa said...

She is just way too cute !