Sunday, May 31, 2020

Rome - June 10th

Happy 50th Birthday to Brad!  We had a busy day planned with tickets to the Colosseum/Roman Forum/Palantine Hill in the morning followed by the Vatican in the afternoon.  We headed off for the Colosseum; the walk may have taken a little longer than anticipated because, again, I'm not good with maps.  We met up with our tour group at the Arch of Constantine.  The tour started with the Colosseum and then over to Palantine Hill, Circus Maximus and the Roman Forum.  Josh was excited to see Circus Maximus after studying Rome in school.  On all of our tours, you could usually find Emma and Josh right next to the tour guide.  

Arch of Constantine


Palatine Hill from the Colosseum

Circus Maximus

After lunch and another quattro formaggi pizza for Josh, it was off to our next tour.  Turns out that Emma and my dresses were too short so we got suckered into buying wraps before going into the museum and St. Peter's.  The Vatican Museum was absolutely packed but our tour guide did a great job getting us through and the Sistene Chapel did not disappoint.  After the museum, it was over to St. Peter's Basilica to end the tour.  

The Pieta


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