Saturday, January 19, 2013

Christmas Day

Thanks in large part to a later night on Christmas Eve, our day didn't start until shortly after seven.  Emma was itching to get out and see what Santa brought her but we said she needed to wait for Josh.  Fortunately for her, Josh was right behind and they took off to see if Santa had arrived.  They were so excited to see that Santa had left them both scooters.  He also left them some safety gear (gloves, elbow pads and knee pads).  In addition, they both received some books and a few little items in their stockings.  I did overhear Emma tell Josh after checking the Christmas tree, "I guess Santa didn't leave us anything else in here."  They donned their safety gear and rode their scooters around the house while we got breakfast ready. 


Emma had requested sausage, cheese and egg biscuits and told us that they were much better than the one she had at Starbucks a few weeks earlier.  After we finished breakfast and got ready for the day, it was time to open all the presents that had accumulated under the tree and there were a lot!


While we were opening gifts, the rain started moving in as predicted.  It had also been predicted that it might change over to snow, which Emma had been wishing for but little did we know what was coming.  After we finished up gifts, I got to work on Brad's annual apple pie (if he had his way, it would be much more than an annual pie) while the kids enjoyed their new toys.  Then it was time for a light lunch and a nap for Josh at least.  Thankfully we had a great morning since around the time Josh got up from his nap, the power went out and stayed out!

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