Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lake Fun

At the end of July, the Sanders family invited us out on their boat down in Hot Springs.  Brad was unable to go since he had just broken his pelvis the weekend before in a bike wreck.  I felt bad about leaving him all day since he was still confined to the downstairs but thankfully a friend of his was planning to stop by in the afternoon so he wasn't alone the entire time.

The day started out beautiful and we headed out to meet up with the Bentons on the lake.  The kids had fun playing, we ate lunch and then the skies started to darken.  We got caught in a pretty nasty little storm but were able to dock and take refuge in a business on the lake.  Once the storm passed, we headed back to dock the boat and try to dry off.  Before we left Hot Springs, we met for dinner. 

Both kids now want a boat!

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